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Half a million hryvnias for a mobile shower!

To our indomitable, bravest and most courageous!

We have an ambitious goal: to use the power of December, the upcoming holidays, to implement this project and make a mobile shower room for the Armed Forces. Six people will be able to wash and do laundry at the same time, as this unit can be turned on even in the field.

In the winter of 2014-2015, we implemented several such projects, which then stood in the units of the Armed Forces from Maryinka to Kramatorsk. One of the showers was installed stationary and was hit by a projectile literally in the first month of its operation. Others worked for several years, but then contact with them was lost.

Now we want to implement this project again.

Moreover, we already have a generator for it, which in our time is already a bid for success!

In peacetime, the cost of a hot bath in winter costs 88 hryvnias. So if for every hot bath you will have this month, throw 88 hryvnias. - then we will have every chance to collect the budget for this very warm and important project. If you want a warm bath for yourself, go to the field shower for the Armed Forces and take a bath (you can do so without a photo report here)!

*on the photo is our first shower, which we were picking up at 6 am from the Dnipro and take to Donbas. January 2015. ** reposts and support always help in the implementation of such projects very much!

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